Women suffers catastrophic injury after being rear ended by utility company truck


A woman sustained a concussion even though she did not hit her head on anything when her car was rear-ended by a phone company truck. Later, she realized she was unable to crunch numbers like she used to be able to as a real estate broker. A neuropsychologist did extensive testing and found she had a permanent brain injury due to the crash. The insurance company denied her claims. The case went to trial in Northampton Superior Court and both the treating medical doctor and the neuropsychologist were put on the stand by Attorney Goodman who skillfully questioned the doctors and let them explain to the curious jurors that this serious permanent injury could happen if she never hit her head. After hearing all of the evidence and closing arguments, the jurors returned a six figure verdict in favor of the plaintiff and validated her injuries and claim. The doctors were well prepared by Attorney Goodman who used focus groups to test out the theories and testimony in advance and develop a strategy for explaining the complicated science of how the whiplash motion resulted in a shearing of neurons in the woman’s brain and caused the permanent cognitive deficits despite the low property damage sustained by her car.


Rear-end collision


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